Suffering From An Uncomfortable Pregnancy? How Water Can Help

Suffering From An Uncomfortable Pregnancy? How Water Can Help

Just imagine.   Waking up in the morning without being greeted by the dreaded morning sickness. And all of its other friends too:    Tiredness, bloatedness, swollen ankles, fogginess, constipation and indigestion.  While it isn’t...
Daniel Berko
Is Filtered Water Better For Your Baby?

Is Filtered Water Better For Your Baby?

There is a huge amount of information out there for new parents and it can sometimes be difficult to separate fact from fiction. One thing all experts can agree on...
Daniel Berko
Should You Be Drinking More Water When You're Breastfeeding?

Should You Be Drinking More Water When You're Breastfeeding?

In the last blog, we talked about how important it is to stay hydrated during pregnancy and the impacts dehydration can have on your baby. Insufficient water intake during pregnancy...
Daniel Berko
How Important Is Water For Your Baby?

How Important Is Water For Your Baby?

It is well documented that water plays a critical role in the development and function of the human brain and body. We are made up of 60% water and fresh...
Daniel Berko
Alleviate ADHD And Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Alleviate ADHD And Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

You'd be surprised at what water can do for you. It really is the elixir of life. In fact, life as we know it wouldn't exist at all without water....
Daniel Berko
Do You Want Better Grades for Your Child?

Do You Want Better Grades for Your Child?

The secret to better grades for your child is right under your nose. That’s right! We all know studying’s a struggle.  It can be hard for your kids to focus...
Daniel Berko
Go Off-Grid with Doulton

Go Off-Grid with Doulton

The Covid pandemic has, over the last 2 years, changed the way we do so many things; not least of which is its impact on the UK holiday industry. Insecurity...
Daniel Berko
Stay Hydrated This Summer

Stay Hydrated This Summer

As the temperature goes up this summer, ensuring you stay hydrated is as important as ever. We’re facing a recording-breaking heatwave, with weather warnings being issued by the Met Office....
Daniel Berko
Cryptosporidium, the parasite in armour

Cryptosporidium, the parasite in armour

We are very lucky in the UK to have the positive legacy of our Victorian forebears in many ways, from architecture to our rail network and of course our water...
Daniel Berko
The Important Relationship Between Drinking Water & Tooth Health

The Important Relationship Between Drinking Water & Tooth Health

We all know how crucial brushing and flossing are, but drinking water should also be part of our daily dental routine. A consistent intake of water is essential for a...
Daniel Berko
Your Water Quality: Soft vs. Hard Water, How To Spot It & Its Effects

Your Water Quality: Soft vs. Hard Water, How To Spot It & Its Effects

For Water Quality Month, let's take a look at one classic issue many UK households have to contend with: water hardness. When describing our tap water, many of us will...
Daniel Berko
Plastic Pollution: Interesting Facts & Statistics You Didn't Already Know

Plastic Pollution: Interesting Facts & Statistics You Didn't Already Know

Did you know that small pieces of plastic - microplastics - have been found contaminating the Arctic's ice core? The Earth is struggling to cope with the amount of plastic...
Daniel Berko