Raw Water: The Health Craze That Could Make You Ill

Raw Water: The Health Craze That Could Make You Ill

In a world where modern technology, pollution and information overload can leave us seeking for a simpler solution the latest craze has seen people seeking out "raw water". With recent...
Daniel Berko
Doulton Water Filters Share Innovative Counterfeit Fightback Technique at WQA Convention

Doulton Water Filters Share Innovative Counterfeit Fightback Technique at WQA Convention

Doulton water filters will take the lead in helping companies from across the world protect their products from counterfeiting activity in a presentation at the WQA Convention. The ceramic water...
Daniel Berko
Plastic In Bottled Water: Micro-particles Are Double The Number Found In Tap Water

Plastic In Bottled Water: Micro-particles Are Double The Number Found In Tap Water

The World Health Organisation has announced its intention to investigate the effects of plastic in drinking water - as a survey found plastic microparticles in bottled water. In a survey...
Daniel Berko
Tips To Improve Your Well-Being for National Home Improvement Week

Tips To Improve Your Well-Being for National Home Improvement Week

Homeowners are being encouraged to make changes that could improve their lifestyle as part of a national home improvement campaign - and cut down their use of plastic packaging. With...
Daniel Berko
The Benefits of Inline Water Filters

The Benefits of Inline Water Filters

Drinking water filters can be used in a variety of different ways - one of the most convenient is the inline, or under-counter, filter. Check out our Inline water solutions...
Daniel Berko
What To Look For In Water Filter Test Results

What To Look For In Water Filter Test Results

Testing Water Filter Efficiency Water filtration is a science - an exact, researched method for filtering out minuscule contaminants from drinking water. The success of this research - and the credibility of Doulton Water Filters - is...
Daniel Berko
Giardia - What Is It & Why Is It A Problem In Drinking Water?

Giardia - What Is It & Why Is It A Problem In Drinking Water?

Giardia is one of the most common water contaminants despite the word being unfamiliar to many. Carried in cyst-form it enters waterways and, through a variety of ways, can cause...
Daniel Berko
Plastic-Free Water is Here! Learn How To Get It...

Plastic-Free Water is Here! Learn How To Get It...

Many commitments to change are made with the beginning of a new year, but one that has real global momentum is a resolution to cut plastic waste. Already, 2018 has...
Daniel Berko
Reasons To Love The Home You Live In

Reasons To Love The Home You Live In

Love the home you live in - that's the message that National Home Improvement Week aims to get out and it's a message Doulton Water Filters fully endorse. Making home...
Daniel Berko
Raise A Glass of Clean, Drinking Water to A Successful Dry January 2018

Raise A Glass of Clean, Drinking Water to A Successful Dry January 2018

January is the time for renewal, resolutions and a healthy start - and for many people that means giving up alcohol for the month. Millions of people will be taking...
Daniel Berko
Season's Greetings from Doulton Water Filters

Season's Greetings from Doulton Water Filters

The team at Doulton Water Filters would like to extend our season's greetings to all of our customers and friends around the world. We would also like to take this...
Daniel Berko
Celebrating Christmas With Alcohol? How To Avoid Dehydration & Hangovers

Celebrating Christmas With Alcohol? How To Avoid Dehydration & Hangovers

Christmas and the New Year are a time for celebration - and this usually involves alcohol. The work's  do, nights out with friends, the corks popping on Christmas Day and New Year's Eve,...
Daniel Berko