A Guide To Ensure Public Drinking Water Is Hygienic

A Guide To Ensure Public Drinking Water Is Hygienic

The message to cut out plastic is undoubtedly being heard loud and clear - but what does this mean for grabbing a drink on the go and being confident in...
Daniel Berko

I Want A Water Filter But I Rent - What Are My Options?

More people are renting homes than ever before in the UK but the decision to rent certainly should not mean compromising on lifestyle factors such as using a water filter....
Daniel Berko

What are the 'Healthy Minerals' in Water?

We all know water is good for us and that adequate hydration is essential to health but what exactly are the healthy minerals that are found naturally in drinking water?...
Daniel Berko
Cut Waste: Choose A Water Filter for High-Quality Drinking Water on Tap

Cut Waste: Choose A Water Filter for High-Quality Drinking Water on Tap

Recycling is held up as a major goal in the battle against plastic pollution but the reality remains that the less we buy the less we have to throw away....
Daniel Berko
The Importance of Good Quality Water (Campaign Tested)

The Importance of Good Quality Water (Campaign Tested)

Water is vital to the ecosystem, but are we doing enough to protect the water supply? Household products, industrial waste and agricultural run-off cause widespread water contamination that could be...
Daniel Berko
Industry Showcase Brings Valuable Exposure for New Doulton Products!

Industry Showcase Brings Valuable Exposure for New Doulton Products!

Doulton Water Filters were delighted to showcase two new products at the Exclusively Housewares show. The show gave the housewares industry a first glimpse of Doulton's Taste water filter bottle,...
Daniel Berko
Royal Doulton ELITE Filter System Delivers A New Standard In Drinking Water

Royal Doulton ELITE Filter System Delivers A New Standard In Drinking Water

The launch of the Royal Doulton ELITE water filter system sets a new standard in luxury appliances that promote wellbeing. Royal Doulton has stood for quality, innovation and ceramic excellence for centuries - now that expertise has...
Daniel Berko
Refreshment Sponsorship Serves Up A Reminder Of The Benefits Of Using A Water Filter

Refreshment Sponsorship Serves Up A Reminder Of The Benefits Of Using A Water Filter

Doulton Water Filters was delighted to take a highly visible role in this year's Exclusively Housewares exhibition to highlight the everyday benefits of drinking filtered water. Adding a water filter to any home is...
Daniel Berko
Doulton Water Filters Challenge Families To Discover The Difference In New Campaign

Doulton Water Filters Challenge Families To Discover The Difference In New Campaign

Doulton Water Filters are challenging families to "discover the difference" with the launch of a new campaign. Families are being invited to "test, taste and trust" the benefits that using a Doulton...
Daniel Berko
How Can Drinking Filtered Water Help Reduce Allergies?

How Can Drinking Filtered Water Help Reduce Allergies?

For millions of people, allergies impact daily life. From mild reactions, to those much more serious and even life-threatening, allergy management is essential and you might be surprised to know...
Daniel Berko
How Free Tap Water Is Helping To Reduce Plastic Pollution

How Free Tap Water Is Helping To Reduce Plastic Pollution

The battle to cut waste generated by single-use plastic bottles has seen a significant movement towards promoting the availability of "free water". Of course, tap water has always essentially been...
Daniel Berko
Raw Water: The Health Craze That Could Make You Ill

Raw Water: The Health Craze That Could Make You Ill

In a world where modern technology, pollution and information overload can leave us seeking for a simpler solution the latest craze has seen people seeking out "raw water". With recent...
Daniel Berko