It's here again. The New Year has arrived and so have all the promises and resolution that are made with the best of intentions. They're the ones which go along the lines - I'll eat less junk - I'll lose weight - I'll get fit and healthy!

But have you ever heard anyone say "I'll drink more water?" No, we didn't think so. But it would be a great (and simple) way to focus on becoming healthier, don't you think?

Healthy, great tasting water

Just think about it for a moment. Taking on the challenge of the whole health thing can be a bit daunting, especially if you don't know where to start and haven't got a plan in place or know which element to focus on first. Should you increase your exercise or start a new regime altogether? Should you change your diet, and if so, to what? Should you completely cut out alcohol, or coffee, or tea? Or just cut down?

How about just taking it one step at a time and start with something quick and easy - drinking a few glasses of clear, great-tasting water! You'll get some benefit straight away!

Fab facts about water

  • It's calorie-free and so refreshing
  • It's far healthier than sugary juices and fizzy drinks
  • It's essential for the human body to function well
  • You can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water
  • It helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite
  • Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is often mild dehydration
  • It helps to flush out wastes and bacteria that can cause disease
  • Water ensures proper cellular formation give skin a healthy appearance
  • Water aids in the digestion process and helps to prevent constipation
  • Water is the primary mode of transportation for many nutrients in the body and is essential for proper circulation

Need we go on?

Filtered water

The above list is not exhaustive, but it's pretty obvious that water has some great health benefits. However, in order to take advantage of all those super benefits, it's essential that the water you drink is healthy and free from contaminants.

Despite the strict monitoring of water treatment and transportation of water to our home, contaminants, bacteria and unwanted materials can still enter the system. But there is a way to ensure consistent and contaminant-free drinking water to your tap, and that's to install a water filter at the point of use.

Doing this one operation is probably the simplest thing you can do to kick-start your healthy regime. A water filter can be easily installed at point-of-use and in an instant you have refreshing, clear, calorie-free water at your fingertips whenever you want it.

Natural, great-tasting water - easily!

Losing weight and getting into a healthier lifestyle needn't be difficult. There's no need to lug plastic bottles of water around with you or haul twelve-packs home from the supermarket. And why pay all that extra money when you have a water source at home (or at work) that's already being paid for?

So don't worry about taking on a whole new lifestyle all at once. Take it one step at a time and prepare to face those New Year's resolutions head on.

Be healthy. Be happy. Drink water!

Daniel Berko