The environmental impact of plastic waste has long been a concern - but the latest research has ratcheted up alarm levels after discovering plastic micro-particles were now in drinking water.

What are the health risks of plastic in water?

Using a water filter will add an extra layer of protection to domestic drinking water supplies.

The big problem when it comes to ingesting contaminants such as plastic micro-particles is that research into cause and effect takes time to establish what the health risks will be. At this early stage there is no specific research to outline what the health risks may be. What we do know is that we would not willingly choose to consume tiny particles of plastic.

Studies have indicated that BPA (Bisphenol A), which is a common component in plastics, could affect birth weight, development, obesity and the hormonal system. Some countries have now taken steps to limit its use.

There is also a concern that plastic micro-particles in drinking water could act as "carriers" by bonding with harmful contaminants, such as chemicals or heavy metals, and transport these into water.

If it is finding its way into drinking water, there is a very real chance that plastic micro-particles could be absorbed into our bodies, the effect of which is presently unknown.

How bad is the problem?

In a recent report, The Guardian shared findings that 83% of tap water tested as part of a global survey was found to contain "plastic fibres". Of those areas tested 94.4% of water in the USA was contaminated - the highest in the study. In Europe the figure was 72%.

How are plastic micro-fibres getting into drinking water?

Plastic plays a huge part in our everyday lives and is used for a massive variety of products. As a result of this there is a global problem with plastic waste, which takes hundreds of years to decompose. Plastic waste makes its way into the waterways - and the world's oceans - where it remains.

Experts also point to washing machines emitting plastic fibres from clothes, and there have been studies that indicate so much plastic is being used that particles are even found in the air - naturally these can pollute waterways too.

Our plastic water filter systems will add an extra layer of protection to domestic drinking water supplies.

What can we do?

Due to the light density of plastic particles there is a concern that these are not being removed from drinking water at the disinfection stage, along with other contaminants. To protect yourself and your family the best step to take is to use a water filter.

Doulton Water Filters have been scientifically proved to remove plastic particles from drinking water, down to as small as size as 0.5 microns. The water filters will also remove many other contaminants, allowing you peace of mind over the quality of the water your family is drinking.

You can also help to cut plastic waste by using a reusable stainless steel or glass water bottles, filled with filtered water from home. At the end of the day, every little action helps to reduce plastic pollution.

Don't take any chances with your family's health, use a Doulton Water Filter to guarantee the best quality, clean drinking water straight from your tap.

Daniel Berko