The Hard Facts About Water

The Hard Facts About Water

Whilst most people will have heard of the terms hard and soft water, not everyone is quite sure what they actually mean. And most people won't know what difference it...
Daniel Berko
Take Charge With NEW! Resources in 2017

Take Charge With NEW! Resources in 2017

As we fast approach the end of another year, it's time to look back and reflect on 2016. Ask yourself: did you achieve everything you set out to conquer from...
Daniel Berko
Have You Got The Bottle To Swap?

Have You Got The Bottle To Swap?

We're all familiar with the "Be Drink Aware" campaigns, and immediately associate the phrase with advice around being sensible with alcohol. But here, we switch our attention to being aware...
Daniel Berko
History of Water Treatment & How We Came To Have A Good Nose For Clean Water

History of Water Treatment & How We Came To Have A Good Nose For Clean Water

For thousands of years water treatment wasn't a priority. Human communities simply settled and made their homes near to water. It made sense. It was a necessary commodity and the...
Daniel Berko
5 Key Facts You Need To Know About Water Filtration

5 Key Facts You Need To Know About Water Filtration

We tend to take water for granted, especially in western society, and the benefits of water filtration are frequently overlooked. Turn on a tap and there it is; flowing effortlessly...
Daniel Berko
Torrential Rain & Flooding... But No Drinking Water!

Torrential Rain & Flooding... But No Drinking Water!

The first week in October 2016 saw Hurricane Matthew sweep through the Caribbean, hitting the island of Haiti with wind-speeds of over 150 mph. With the number of casualties quickly...
Daniel Berko
Spreading The Water Filtration Word Across Social Media

Spreading The Water Filtration Word Across Social Media

Ever since our inception in 1826 we've held a strong sense of commitment to our supporters, distributors and customers. We pride ourselves in having open communication channels with everyone we...
Daniel Berko