They're out there. In every town, county and country; they're definitely out there. And they're taking money from customers' pockets and from genuine hard-working companies whose products they imitate.

They are counterfeits.

To counterfeit means to imitate something. Imitation products are unauthorised replicas of the real product; a fake item that has been produced with the intention of taking advantage of the superior value of the imitated product.

Absolutely anything can be copied nowadays and the results are startling. From forgeries of currency and documents through to pharmaceuticals, car parts, toys, watches and works of art. You name it and it can almost certainly be copied.

The illegal production of fake, bootleg, pirate or counterfeit goods is not a victimless crime. Manufacturers lose billions of pounds worth of income every year and disturbingly, many counterfeit consumer products have a reputation for being lower in quality (sometimes not working at all) and may even include toxic elements.

Don't become a victim

The spread of counterfeit goods has become global in recent years and the range of goods subject to being unlawfully copied and sold on the cheap has increased significantly. Despite the Trading Standards Departments (and their counterparts across the world) constantly shutting down websites, seizing goods and prosecuting offenders, the problem persists.

Most counterfeit goods are produced and manufactured in the Far East. Unfortunately, China even has the title of "counterfeit capital of the world", closely followed by North Korea and Taiwan.

One positive solution is product authentication. Authentication is vital if customers and manufacturers alike are to gain not only peace of mind, but also the benefits of high quality, genuine products.

What is "Authentication"?

Manufacturers are fighting back. To help distinguish originals from counterfeits, copyright holders now use methods such as the use of serial numbers and/or holograms to establish the origin of their goods; distinctive and inimitable marks and systems designed to confirm ownership and provenance.

Unfortunately, the advance of technology means that quality counterfeit items are often difficult to discern from authentic goods. Being able to positively identify an item as genuine enables potential customers to gain some peace of mind; a knowledge that their money has been well spent.

How are Doulton® water filter candles authenticated?

We use a unique identification number on all filter candles allowing the customer to easily check that what they have bought is the genuine article. It only takes a few seconds and is so easy.

On the mount of each candle, alongside the product number, is a unique serial number. Simply visit the Authentication Centre page on our website. By following the prompts and entering these numbers together, confirmation will be provided that the product is genuine.

Why use Authentication?

Doulton® ceramic water filtration systems are backed by stringent in-house quality control procedures. Accredited by BS EN ISO 9001 international quality standards, we also hold the coveted NSF® and WRAS certification.

Our annual independent quality control audits and laboratory testing is ensures high performance in all manufacturing processes, product quality consistency and global customer service.

This high quality should be protected, not only for our company, but for our customer too.

If you have any questions about our products, or want to know more about using our authentication centre, get in touch now.

Daniel Berko