In the face of a recent Cryptosporidium outbreak in Brixham, Doulton® Water Filters has jumped into action to support the local community. Our team headed down to Brixham and handed out free Household Filter Kits (HFK) outside Torbay Fruit Supplies, ensuring residents and business owners continued to have access to safe and clean tap water without needing to boil it. This effort is part of our ongoing mission to make sure everyone has access to safe drinking water.

The outbreak has caused a lot of concern, with the government issuing boil water notices to 16,000 properties in Brixham and two people ending up in the hospital. Cryptosporidium can cause nasty symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, and loss of appetite, and it can take between two and ten days for symptoms to show up after exposure.

We at Doulton® Water Filters who also own the brand British Berkefeld®, based in Stoke-on-Trent, couldn't just stand by. After hearing that Southwest Water (SWW) detected Cryptosporidium in the Alston and Hillhead areas, we knew we had to help. Our Household Filter Kits offered an ideal solution, eliminating the need for residents to boil tap water to ensure its safety for drinking.

The response from the community has been incredible. Local resident Morgan Ring shared his gratitude, saying, "I just wanted to say a big thank you, especially to Carl Mitchell, for all the help you’ve given us in Brixham. Your donation of free home filtration kits has been amazing. Many of us had lost faith in Southwest Water’s ability to provide safe drinking water. This home kit gives my family and me the peace of mind that we can drink tap water without worrying about getting sick again."

Morgan added, "Being disabled and having two children with special needs, your system has been a lifesaver. I’m even looking into getting one of your stainless-steel filtration systems for long-term peace of mind."

Our gesture of goodwill didn’t stop there. We also made sure numerous local care homes like Frensham House had what they needed to give their elderly residents safe water with their medication. Tim Evans, our Global Sales Manager, was there to hand over HFKs to Saluja, the Registered Manager of one care home (as seen in the picture).

But that's not all. Our timely intervention has also helped local businesses save their tourist season. With our filter kits ensuring safer drinking water, restaurants, cafes, and other businesses that rely on tourism have been able to keep their doors open and maintain customer confidence and survive. This has been crucial in keeping their local economy afloat during this challenging time.

We’re thrilled that our efforts to distribute Household Filter Kits were such a success, showing our commitment to community welfare and public health. At Doulton® and British Berkefeld®, we’re all about providing accessible and effective water filtration solutions, especially when they’re needed most.

For more information about Doulton® Water Filters and our products, go to our shop.

Steven Corbett