Earth Day is a global initiative that aims to get individuals across the world thinking about changes they could make to help protect the environment. The Earth Day Network works throughout the year to fight against climate change, plastic pollution and to help protect endangered species.

Earth Day is on 22nd April each year and is a global opportunity for individuals to get involved and take action, however small or large, to support this. The idea is that individuals acting collaboratively have a major impact when taking positive action to bring about change.

At Doulton, we whole-heartedly support this approach. When it comes to the problem of plastic pollution, consumers play a huge part. If the market for single-use plastic is not there, manufacturers will be forced to make a change.

Make a change refuse to buy single-use bottled water

A simple change that families can make is to refuse to buy single-use plastic bottles of water or other drinks. If individuals across the country chose to fill up a reusable water bottle at home and take it with them every day, this would have a huge impact on the amount of single-use plastic drinks bottles used and thrown away. Plus, with cafes and restaurants signing up to incentives to actively demonstrate that people can get free water refills there is no excuse to add to plastic pollution.

Using a water filter at home means you can always be sure of the quality of the water that you are drinking and enjoy an improved taste. If you are concerned about the quality of the water used to refill bottles, filter bottles offer a portable solution.

With such a simple solution already available to help cut down the problem of single-use plastic waste, Doulton Water Filters has donated portable water filters to a community event to help highlight the problem of plastic waste. If more communities raised awareness like this Earth Day Eco Event in Waltham St Lawrence, in Berkshire, it could really make a difference to how people perceive a solution to plastic pollution.

Earth Day is an ideal time to consider how you could reduce your environmental footprint and turning your back on single-use bottles of water could be a good place to start. Choose a water filter instead. Find out more here.

Daniel Berko