There is no escaping it: Christmas means indulgence - mince pies, flavoured coffees, rich meals and even a good Christmas curry.

Food and drink plays a huge part in our enjoyment of the Christmas season and with all that deliciously irresistible festive fare on offer, taking care of yourself is even more important.

Thankfully staying hydrated is a good place to start.

Carbohydrate-heavy diets supplemented with sugar-rich treats will easily leave you feeling sleepy by making blood glucose significantly increase.

Your body's efforts to counter this effect will then result in that all too familiar sluggish feeling.

Meanwhile coffee and alcohol are diuretics, which help to flush fluid out of the body as well as interfere with sleep quality.

Fight fatigue by drinking water

Drinking water is a good way to help fight fatigue, avoid dehydration and keep your energy levels consistent. The best source of hydration, tap water, is a great alternative to calorie-laden soft drinks - use a filter to make it taste even better.

So, rather than attempting to fend off that overwhelming feeling of sleepiness after a carbohydrate binge, have a glass of water and go for a quick walk. This should certainly help to set you back on the path to recovering your energy - and your body will thank you for the hydration and exercise.

It's not just feelings of fatigue that the humble glass of water can help to tackle though. Indigestion and heartburn are also unwelcome side effects of Christmas over-indulgence.

Avoiding indigestion

Whereas alcohol, fizzy drinks and caffeine can all aggravate heartburn, a cool glass of water can actually soothe it.

It is also worth bearing in mind while tucking into your festive feast that sipping water while eating helps to prevent overeating, which is a culprit in many health complaints, including heartburn.

Enjoy the spoils of the festive season but make sure to keep sipping filtered water to help cut your calorie-intake, avoid dehydration and fend off indigestion.

To enjoy tastier, clean water use a filter - and encourage all the family to enjoy more of what is good for them.

Daniel Berko