There is a huge amount of information out there for new parents and it can sometimes be difficult to separate fact from fiction. One thing all experts can agree on is just how important clean, fresh water is on the health of you and your new family. 

Staying hydrated will protect you and your baby from a variety of health complications, but what is the best way to achieve this? Will ordinary tap water do? 



What's Good For You Is Good For Your Baby

Most tap water, although completely safe to drink, will contain varying levels of bacteria and viruses, as well as mineral deposits and added chemicals. If you drink unfiltered water, these additional nasties can be passed on to your baby; firstly, via the placenta during pregnancy, and then via breastmilk once your baby has arrived. 

Studies have shown that the placenta, while passing vital nutrients and oxygen through to your baby, can often contain a number of harmful toxins, including mercury, lead, bacteria, and viruses.  

Breast milk carries all the nutrients a baby needs in their first 6 months of life, including fat, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water, as well as the crucial antibodies needed to protect your baby against disease. But that’s not all. Anything you put into your own system can be passed through to your baby via breastmilk. It is therefore important to avoid mercury-rich fish, some vitamin supplements, alcohol and drugs while breastfeeding and stick to a healthy diet – which includes clean, filtered water! 

It’s also well-known that having a new-born baby can seriously impact the amount of quality sleep you are getting. It can, therefore, be tempting to rely on food and drinks with elevated levels of caffeine to keep you awake. Unfortunately, this caffeine is also then passed through to your baby through breast milk and this can cause distress and even heart and other health problems, so it is important to avoid it as much as possible. Caffeine naturally occurs in many food and drink items, such as chocolate, tea, coffee, and energy drinks, as well as some painkillers and cold & flu remedies.  

Ensuring you drink plenty of fresh water will help clear that brain fog and keep you alert, while protecting your baby from harmful additives.

Say No To Unfiltered Water!

If you drink filtered water, you are ensuring you and your baby only drink the cleanest and safest water possible; giving them the healthiest start in life. 

Our range of prestige, ceramic water filters can provide you with great-tasting, safe water in your own home and will ensure that you are giving your baby the best possible start in life! 
Doulton has been the home of fresh, great-tasting water for nearly 180 years. Our filters are tested and certified by independent laboratories to reduce bacteria, particulates, turbidity, cysts, chlorine, limescale and heavy metals including lead.  

All of our water filter systems remove up to 99.9% of contaminants – a perfect solution for great tasting water for you and your family. 

Daniel Berko