For millions of people, allergies impact daily life. From mild reactions, to those much more serious and even life-threatening, allergy management is essential and you might be surprised to know that water can play a part in this.

First, it's important to understand what an allergic reaction actually is. These varied responses occur when our body's immune system recognises something as a threat and begins to produce antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE) which travel to your cells and then release chemicals, producing a reaction. Lots of reactions cause respiratory symptoms, such as itchy, runny noses, tight chest or they can manifest as breakouts on the skin.

Does Drinking Water Help Reduce Allergies?

We first need to understand a bit more about what's happening in our bodies when an allergic reaction occurs. As part of a body's response to an allergen, histamine levels rise.

Water is relevant because how hydrated we are is a factor in how significant an amount of histamine is released. So, water actually has the power to regulate your histamine levels.

This does not mean drinking water can act to prevent or treat an allergic reaction, but it's good to know that avoiding dehydration by drinking water will help to maintain normal histamine activity.

By drinking enough water, you can stay hydrated and instead of battling to retain water levels in the body, histamine can concentrate on tackling allergens. Ultimately, a healthy immune system is needed to fight all manner of health concerns and water is one of the key tools to maintain overall health, when combined with our diet and exercise.

Contaminated water in causing allergies

While treated water, the type found in domestic kitchens, is strictly regulated to meet health and taste standards, some of the chemicals used to treat it, such as chlorine and fluoride, can be irritants and possibly act as allergens. So it is possible that unfiltered water could cause a reaction in some people, but it's usually what's in it, rather than the water itself.

If you consider this in relation to hydration's impact on histamine levels, you can see that if we're trying to be healthy and consuming plenty of tap water at home, that without a filter, we could in fact be consuming more of these irritants and potential allergens. A simple, effective solution is to add a filter, whether that's a filtered bottle or with an at home unit.

Filtering tap drinking water to reduce allergies

Because the allergens and irritants tend to come from the treatment not the water, you can reduce that by filtering the water before you drink it.

The technology in our ceramic filters means you get all of the benefits of drinking water, without any hint of contaminants such as microorganisms and traces of chlorine that may have made it through water treatment to your tap. Enjoy super hydration with filtered water, and added peace of mind.

Boost your water quality with Doulton

At Doulton®, we've got nearly 200 years of history and experience when it comes to water. All of our water filtration products incorporate cutting-edge ceramic technology, which can remove all the contaminants and leave in all the goodness.

Stay hydrated, minus the irritants and allergens, by exploring the Doulton® product range.

Daniel Berko